Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Table of Contents:

   Welcome to my bass ackwards blog.    I don't know what I'm doing except writing, and I know it's a work in progress, nothing but a work in progress...    actually several...  and th blog is running backwards. you're getting the end first and the beginning last.   oh well.  im not web savy enough to care- for i have a solution!

A crappy half assed solution, but it should do the trick.

Meanwhile, allow me to explain what you're doing here.  that's right, you've unwittingly stumbled across this unknown cyber realm and are lost.  mmhmm yup.  But not to worry, you're in a good place. It's safe here.aside from the horrid gramatical inconsistency and general lack of give-a-shit.
About spelling that is...  so it's safe for everyoe except gramar nazis.*

As i was explainin', you've come upon a trove of pure, raw, unrefined creativity.  A genuine Work in Progress cache.

Since each page is it's own story, and as such, its own work in progress, i've decided to maintain this as a main page...  it's the first page you'll see when you link to and it's the newest page i've submitted.

Since that's backwards from what i want, and i dont know howto invert it, i'll just copy this page and paste it every time a new work comes into progress, and add the new work to the list!

Of course, if there's a better way to do this, and i find out, im sure this is already an obsolete solution to a simple problem.


The Dao Bums (Formerly known as The Tao Bums

My little experience on this awesome community. The web forum, The Dao Bums.


Five Virtues

Here, I talk about my personal core values which i believe are critical to humane behavior and social and psychological survival.


Toribash: Violence Perfected; A Genuine Martial Art!

This one is kind of special, and ties into Onethruten... or actually, Onethruten is a contribution to Toribash ;)


Onethruten: A short Story.

A short story of a hero who does things and meets people, and stuff; and things, and junk, and whatnot.


The Legend of Toribash: The Eternal Pursuit

A fiction based on the concepts within Toribash.


Redundant Jovian Thor: Artwork Shared
A small handfull of some of my hand-drawn sketches during my brief time in Mendocino county (January-March 2016)

An entire set of interrelated projects:

The original Origins story as never told before...

Visions from the Priestess of Righteousness is a first and third person narration sequence involving YOU as the listener.

Which all lead out from The Tree at the World's End...   which is back story...

To Apocalypse: Tales of the Phoenix Days ... Which is the precursor...

For a World in Progress

Which includes additional Back Story for several characters, only one of which is in this blog yet:
A Curious History of one Great Skinwalker Warrior

kind of disjointed thoughts going into that whole project... what a mess!


I tried my hand at writing lyrics, and as with everything i have another Work in Progress!
judge me:



And [currentlythe currently hot project [previously, what] I am [was] writing is a fanfiction...   Which I am kind of embarrassed about, because I usually pride myself in creativity and avoid "mooching" off of other people's creations...  in other words: I don't write fanfics.**

However, as I explain in the comment at the bottom of the page, the emotional investment of one of Hyrule's contributors has touched my heart and inspired me to go with an idea that I've had for years and years, since Ocarina of Time first became mine...

I write Hylian Hearts, not because it's mine... But because it's NOT mine...   Because it is a gift to every Legend of Zelda contributor and fan.

in a sense, I have to write it...  I don't want to not finish this...

So the most up to date and consistently maintained project you will read here for some time to come is going to be The Legend of Zelda: Hylian Hearts.

I hope that this project is as fun for you to read as it has been for me to imagine, fantasize, and write about.


And CURRENTLY, currently, I'm playing NGU Idle (available for free on Steam!) by Somethingggg, or 4G for short...

And I'm sharing the redundant tooltip jokes hidden throughout his game.
And some story content (if you're into that sort of thing).

The Nuke Link will get filled according to rebirths and contain only *strictly* just the story content.
But until i get there, you wont know what i am talking about (unless you're an NGU vet).

The Story So far...

I'll install the Nuke Button later... 

... when it's relevant.

(by my standards)



I just sang the fucking alphabet to you.


Redundant Jovian Thor: Work In Progress is a public domain gift with stipulations enforced only by the honor system. I hope you enjoy this one 😁 


*I actually did all of that deliberately, and i do edit my work for grammar and spelling. I just want you to feel at home, like you aren't going to get lynched if you spill coffee or visit here drunk.

** I haven't done that since first grade, writing about the Battletoads!   ... which i might just do that again come to think of it...   But not without an artist.   I have candidates in mind.  busy candidates who have lives and make more money doing their own thing :P

The Next Issue

    Well 69 (lol) "pages" later, and i think a new page is in order.

I think i've established a priori.

Next Issue begins!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

DevLovE Gamers

 capital D, L, E, in DevLovE, to rotate all letters in place, but maintain facing, to orbit without rotating, [preferably optical illusion; as though its either counter. or clock.] above gamers:

DevLovE / EvoLveD 


To be independent and open source community owned projects.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Story So Far...

Okay, so. This is not mine.
I didn't make it.
It's like my Fanfiction, but worse.

But funnier.

Lots funnier.

To me.

Especially that part where you're all like:
"whoa, the fuck? that's a HUGE image for my tiny screen! screw this!"
[edit: apparently it works a lot differently on phones than desk/lap tops]

yeah...  haha.
Less traffic on my blog.
More fun for me.

The Beginning...

Monday, July 12, 2021

The Beginning...

So I'll be posting one page per day...  give or take.
and then when i reach a certain milestone, i'll abridge the content in a second comic page under the first. or something.
I'm figuring it out as i go.

This is going to take for fuh kin ever!


...... Okay, I'm a merciful master, so for The Beginning, i'm uploading the first 23 "pages". You're welcome:

Note: The play button does nothing unless you've downloaded NGU Idle on Steam.




EASTER EGG!!! That's an OLD ASS PIC OF ME!!!  EW i look like an ugly girl >.<
